Wellness Care

Achieve and maintain optimal health through wellness care with Dr. Richard Silver and Dr. W. Craig Brenan at Verve Chiropractic in Montgomery, TX.

Guide to Chiropractic Wellness Care

Most people think about visiting a chiropractor when they’re already suffering from pain, and that is certainly a time to seek a chiropractor’s help. However, chiropractors like Dr. Silver and Dr. Brenan at Verve Chiropractic in Montgomery, TX also offer wellness care. Learn more about this service in the guide below.

What Is Wellness Care?

You might wonder, Why do I need a chiropractor if I’m well? It’s a common question and an understandable one. The answer is quite simple: to keep you well.

Every single day, your body is put through various tasks and incidents that can impact your spinal health and wellness. And your spinal health can impact your general health. You might not notice any impact in the beginning, but days, weeks, or months of daily movement and labor can compound into some severe issues.

For example, you might sit for long periods either at work or while at home helping your kids with their homework. You might notice some tension and pain at the end of the day, but a good stretch and some moving around seem to relieve it all.

What you might not realize is that prolonged sitting is putting pressure on your spinal discs. If that pressure continues several days a week, it can lead to a tear in the disc.

Eventually, the inner filling of the disc might spill out onto a nerve, leading to pain, weakness, tingling, numbness, and more. It seems as though these symptoms came out of nowhere, but they have actually been building up for some time.

Wellness care can help prevent such issues by correcting and undoing damage as it occurs. Regular chiropractic visits address misalignment, compression, disc issues, and more by simply maintaining spinal health.

What Does Wellness Care Involve?

Wellness care is similar to care for injuries in that it is customized to the patient. The chiropractor will get to know your lifestyle, habits, family medical history, and more to understand what potential issues might arise. They’ll then develop a personalized wellness plan that can include methods such as adjustments, therapeutic exercises, soft tissue techniques, stress management, diet and exercise recommendations, lifestyle adjustments, and more.

Live your healthiest life with the help of Dr. Silver and Dr. Brenan at Verve Chiropractic in Montgomery, TX. Call (936) 596-1444 to schedule your wellness care appointment today.

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Chiropractic Office Hours

Monday, Wednesday, Friday:

10:00am - 2:00pm

3:00pm - 6:00pm

Tuesday, Thursday:

10:00am - 2:00pm

3:00pm - 7:00pm


10:00 am - 2:00 pm



Cryotherapy & Red Light Therapy Services

Monday, Wednesday, Friday:

9:00 am - 2:00 pm

3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Tuesday, Thursday:

10:00 am - 2:00 pm

3:00 pm - 7:00 pm


10:00 am - 2:00 pm

